Representing North American Music Creators

Music Creators North America

Music Creators North America (MCNA) is an alliance of independent songwriter and composer organizations who advocate for, and educate on behalf of North America’s music creator community. In addition, as a member organization of the International Council of Music Creators (CIAM), the MCNA works with sister alliances in Europe, Latin and South America, Asia and Africa to further the interests of music creators throughout the world.

We Speak For Ourselves

MCNA is the only united, internationally-recognized voice of American and Canadian songwriters and composers. Each of our member organizations is run exclusively by songwriters and composers. MCNA stands with over a half-million songwriters, composers and artists in Africa, Asia, Latin and South America and Europe through our membership in CIAM.

It is our collective work that forms the very foundation of the industry that derives its name from what we create: music.

Others may claim to speak on our behalf, but when it comes to discussions critical to the future and well-being of music creators, please keep one simple fact in mind: We speak for ourselves.


Our People

The leadership of MCNA is made up of experienced songwriters, composers and industry experts. Each brings unique expertise and insight to the committee and helps ensure that the organization remains truely representative of music creators across North America.

Andrea England

Arun Chaturvedi

Arun Chaturvedi

Ashley Irwin

Co-Chair, MCNA

Catherine Joy

Charles J. Sanders

David Wolfert

Doug Wood

Ed Henderson

Eddie Schwartz

President, MCNA

Greg Johnston

Co-Chair, MCNA

Heather McIntosh

John Welsman

Vice president, MCNA

Jonathan David Neal

Treasurer, MCNA

Marco Foley

Marie Kingsley

Martine Groulx

Phil Galdston

Rick Carnes

Vice president, MCNA

Starr Parodi

Tonya Dedrick

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