CISAC has released the first global study measuring the economic impact of Generative AI in the music and audiovisual sectors. The report details how GenAI…
Cape Verdean songwriter Solange Cesarovna and German composer Jörg Evers are award recipients in 2023 10 November 2023 – Rio de Janeiro: Fair Trade Music…
Hundreds of millions in songwriter and composer royalties at stake NEW YORK CITY, OCTOBER 2, 2023: The organizational members of the Music Creators North America…
On March 3, 2023, MCNA board member, Charles Sanders, will be co-hosting an important symposium on political violence against music creators. The event is presented…
New York, November 19, 2022: With the suppression of artistic freedoms on the rise throughout the world, it remains clear that many governments continue to…
Music Creators North America is elated that the US Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) has today responded positively to the filings by songwriter George Johnson and…
Music Creators North America has written to to Chief Copyright Royalty Judges David Shaw, David R. Strickler and Steve Ruwe at the US Copyright Royalty…
August 8, 2022, NEW YORK CITY: Music Creators North America (MCNA), the umbrella group and international representative for the independent songwriter and composer communities of…
The following article was recently posted on the Copyright Alliance website and was written by CEO Keith Kupferschmid. The organization, of which MCNA is a…